• tradedesk@trackmgt.com

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Monday to Friday 9.00 am – 8.00 pm
Saturday 10.00 am – 6.00 pm
Sunday is Closed

Liquid Bulk

TrackMgmt will store and trade different liquid bulk products. Demand, supply, import, export and production of liquid bulk products will be the main activity of the complex and deep-sea trading location for liquid bulk, such as crude oil, petrol, diesel, biofuels, liquid chemicals and edible oils and fats. In addition, the complex offers a wide range of terminals and reliable business service providers in the area.

Power to X

Power-to-X is an energy transformation technology that converts electricity into carbon-neutral synthetic fuels (gas or liquid) which can be stored and later used by the mobility, heating and electricity sectors. The complex is also fully committed to new forms of energy and facilities, like green “Power-to-X” fuels ( green methanol, ammonia or hydrogen ) or Green Bunkering. Hydrogen will become an increasingly important part of the liquid bulk sector.


The liquid bulk trading of the complex is connected to the entire world: supertankers ship liquid bulk products across the oceans to a large extent. Fuel oil from Baltic Countries , for example, finds its way to Singapore and China in Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC). Ethanol comes from Brazil, palm oil from Malaysia and Indonesia goes to the European food industry.